From Stains to Illness, Cigar Smoking Poses Major Threat to Your Oral Health

Cigars may appear sophisticated, and their smell bring back fond memories of relaxing times with family and friends, but behind this façade lies the reality of their danger to your teeth and health. Cigar smoke is packed with tar and nicotine, which notoriously stain teeth. The chemicals attach to your enamel,…
Read More → From Stains to Illness, Cigar Smoking Poses Major Threat to Your Oral Health

Morning sickness? Extreme food cravings? Just two of the many factors that can lead to poor oral health during pregnancy.

As a registered dental hygienist and mom of two young children, I have seen firsthand the effects of pregnancy on oral health. Pregnant women sometimes avoid professional dental care during pregnancy for various reasons, which is never a good idea. Factors such as elevated hormone levels can cause various gum…
Read More → Morning sickness? Extreme food cravings? Just two of the many factors that can lead to poor oral health during pregnancy.